A true adventure milestone

Adventure milestones take on a independent life of their own attaching a unique level of achievement for each individual. These levels of achievement change over time as a person collects life experiences. I have completed dozens of marathons and while the each is still an adventure the very first few occupy a special place in my heart. Each person’s adventures are their own and we should celebrate those milestones that happen in everyone’s life.

The prize..Yazoo Brewing Co cup containing minor compliant water!

I was witness to my son’s first milestone movement toward adventure Sunday night.  He crawled for the first time. He’s eight month old, very close to the ninth month of life making him neither an early nor a late crawler; but perfectly situated at an average crawling age for an infant. He was sitting up on the floor and spied a red glass of water resting on the floor several feet from his position. (Those who are not parents take note: A significant portion of your sitting is now on the floor when you have an infant/toddler.). He leaned forward on his hands and slowly…very carefully crawled the three or so feet on all fours. At the end he hamfistedly grabbed at the cup with a triumphant smile. Unfortunately for him, Mom had to pull the full water cup away though he was rewarded with hard earned drink.

It was an amazing event for a parent. Even better was the fact that his mother, brother and I were in attendance to watch the first crawl. All three of us stopped what we were doing as soon as we realized what was about to occur. It was an exquisite few moments as we fell silent, rooting for this little guy to finish his very first crawl. Immediately upon success, excited clapping and hugging occurred. In those few moments the milestone was all over as a slightly bewildered Sam, happily smiling with everyone; but unaware of the true significance of his first crawl.

After emptying the cup and placing it away from him Sam completed a second crawl like a pro. This one was successfully recorded on video so the required videos could be sent to Grandparents, friends and family.  We need not have worried about that capture as he’s been off to the races making use of his new found crawling skill. For the first time in his life he can travel independent of Mom, Brother, or Dad. He can explore the world based on his on own desires. While he doesn’t realize it; this is a true adventuring milestone. It’s his first one!

Keep crawlin’ ugly,


First Hike of the Year

It’s winter in Tennessee. The ground is wet, the air is cold, and it gets dark at around 4:30pm. However, the weatherman promised a reprieve from the wet and cold this first weekend of 2019. A promising weather report like that means it would be criminal not to plan some outside time. The family and I decided we needed to get in a short hike during the afternoon. We just needed to decide which trail.

I am fortunate to live very close to Fall Creek Falls State Park. It is on of Tennessee’s largest park encompassing more than 26,000 acres in the middle part of the state. The park features gorges, cascades, and waterfalls. The largest waterfall is Fall Creek Falls, where the park gets its name, which at 256 feet from top to bottom is one of the highest waterfalls in the eastern United States.

We’d been to FCF Park many times before but it makes for a great little day hike. This would also be the first hike for our 8 month old, Sam. So first hike of the year and first hike Sam. We grabbed a daypack, tossed some camera gear in the car and headed out.

We first went to the overlook to the 256 foot falls. It’s an impressive sight to see with all the rain that Middle Tennessee experienced the last few days. I took a few pictures from the top of the falls and Sid began pointing out the view to Sam.

Fall Creek as viewed from below the falls.

We (meaning Sid) decided to hit the trail down to the bottom of the falls. We thought that it might be picturesque and make for a nice little hike with our boy. The trail itself is rocky but not extremely tricky. It’s a short but rocky hike down to the bottom. At the bottom I captured a few more images of the falls and Fall Creek itself. I even snapped a photo of Sam with Sid to commemorate his first hiking experience.

After a bit of photo taking we hit the ascent back up to the top of the Falls. This way was a bit more invigorating as we climbed and clambered up the trial. Sid packed Sam up the entire way! A few folks passing us made the comment she looked really strong packing a 26lb 8 month old. I had to agree as I was glad to have the excuse of carrying camera gear.

Sid and Sam enjoying the first hike of 2019

After the climb out we headed down the connector trail for an easy out and back to Piney Falls. The daylight was closing fast when we turned around. While not a long hike…it was delightful to get outside during a winter month and experience the great outdoors.

Keep running ugly folks!